Missionary Of The Month
The Kroeker Family
Missionaries to the Mennonites of Bolivia
Prayer Letter
March-April 2024
Dear Praying Friends,
Thank you for your faithful prayer and financial support! I would also like to thank you for your time! Time in working your jobs so you can support missions. Time in reaching out to us. Time in reading these prayer letters. May God bless you as you give! Thank you so much!
We have been busy with door to door evangelism. This has been a huge blessing both in being rewarded for being obedient, but also in being able to connect with the folks in our village. I am so blessed to have a wife that loves going soul winning and we enjoy going out together. This strengthens us and encourages us as we see the Lord work and trust Him together and experience these times together. Brenda’s dad is a soul winner and He has trained his children, as well as many others. This was her heartbeat growing up and was a passion God gave me the very week I got saved! Please pray for a breakthrough in souls getting saved and that we may have boldness. We desire to reach out into the surrounding Mennonite colonies and we need a lot of wisdom, courage, and boldness. Reaching out to these people is like being surrounded by the Pharisees of Jesus’ day.
Church Plant
We have seen many visitors come out since the start of Bädhus Baptist Kjoakj (directly translated as, Prayer House Baptist Church). One couple came as a result of our door to door evangelism and many have since come because of this couple inviting their family and friends. We also have some coming on a more consistent basis. We have been having services Sunday morning and evening and Thursday nights. I am preaching through John on Sunday mornings, Romans on Sunday nights, and through a discipleship course on Thursday nights. Please pray for an upcoming Mother’s Day event on May 28, 2024. This will be the first special meeting for ladies.
We celebrated Ember’s second birthday in April! Jairett got his Bolivian birth certificate, identification card and passport in April and we have applied for his Canadian citizenship certificate and passport. Brenda and I also got our Bolivian drivers license. We have been busy with the care of the church services, Spanish studies, school, gardening, and small projects like building a wash line that Brenda is loving. Next I plan to build her a nice garden trellis.
We are so excited to announce that God provided the funds and we were able to purchase a vehicle. We purchased a 2015 Nissan Patrol Y62. This is perfect for our family and for the road conditions here. This vehicle has four low, four high, auto, and differential lock options along with sand, rock, and hill decent. modes.
There is also a snow mode, just in case ! . These are very reliable, Japanese built vehicles with extra cold air conditioning and it has a built in cooler for drinks. We are so thankful to God and those who gave to make this possible. We had a special time as a family as we all climbed in together for the first time and had a time of prayer and dedicated the vehicle to God. The children witnessed God providing and learned that all things come from God and all things must be given by His hand! Thank you for praying and giving!
We were pleasantly surprised one morning in March by a lady at the gate with a package of cards and small gifts from some friends at Pembina Valley Baptist Church in Winkler, Manitoba where we lived and attended before we moved to Bolivia. This was extra special because Bolivia is a no-mail country. A friend in the church learned of a family member that was coming here for a visit and got the word out and put together a package for our family. The children were especially excited because they know that we cannot receive mail. This was a wonderful expression of love from folks that are holding us up in prayer.
Also, I was encouraged by a surprise visit from Dan Derksen, the owner of Beaver Powerline, a company that I once worked for. This was a special place and time in my life. Through this company I heard the Gospel for the first time and received Jesus as my Saviour. I received a phone call from him and He was asking where I lived. As I was explaining he said I will be there soon. He was staying at the hotel next to us and in a few minutes was at our house. This all made sense afterwards as we had friends, who are related to Dan and part owners of the company, asking us very specifically where we lived a few weeks before.
We had 500 Gospel tracts printed and have been using them during our door to door evangelism. This also helps to let people know where and when we are meeting and gives people the opportunity to hear a word for word audio of the Gospel tract on our church website. I have also drafted up a sign that I am looking at getting made shortly. This will help the community and surrounding communities know that we exist because we are located at the local bakery, restaurant, ice cream shop, and clothing store where everyone goes. Please pray for fruit!
Love, labourers together, The Kroeker Family
Answered Prayer
• Growth in learning Spanish • Folks attending church
• Vehicle (4x4/8 Passenger)
• Wisdom, boldness for outreach in surrounding communities • Upcoming Mothers Day event
• Souls to be saved, baptized, and grow.
The Kroeker Family