Information For Our Members
(Last Updated February, 2025)
Dear Church Family,
We post information here on this page that we believe will be of interest and of a help to you. Please feel free
of course to call the church office any time, if you have any questions or needs that we can help you with.
Office - (519) 823-5099, or
Pastor's cell - (519) 221-0483, or
Email -
I would like to encourage all of us to be in prayer for one another, for our government leaders, and for our country,
and that many will turn to Christ during this time. What a blessing and a comfort to know that God is in control, and
that we can put our trust in Him! Psalm 91:1-2
"Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God." 2 Corinthians 7:1
Please Pray:
1. Pray for souls to be saved.
2. Pray for one another and for revival in our local church.
3. Pray particularly for our Seniors.
4. Pray for all of our missionaries as they serve in these unusual days. (I would encourage you to read the
prayer letters posted from our missionaries to know what specifically to pray for and give praise!)
Building Progress:
1. Waiting on approvals for site plan from the City of Guelph.
Missionary Of The Month
The Cook Family
Missionaries to Slovenia
Prayer Letter
January 2025
Dear Praying Friends,
November and December have been two months filled with God's blessings. We have been incredibly busy traveling to various churches, but God has allowed us to be in wonderful places and build great friendships along the way. We are so thankful for you and your prayers as we've been on the road. We've experienced His protection and provision, and we are deeply grateful for the safety He's given us. Our travels over the past couple of months have taken us primarily to the East Coast and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States, with one weekend spent in Canada at a wonderful church. It was the first time any of us had been to our neighbor up north, and it was such a special experience. We also had a few meetings in West Virginia, which gave us the privilege of spending time with Eli's family. We concluded our meetings for 2024 in Indiana, where we were blessed to be at the same church as Dr. Don Sisk. We have also been blessed to be around family during the holidays. We spent Thanksgiving in West Virginia with Eli's family and have enjoyed a couple of weeks of rest and relaxation during Christmas and New Year's in Texas. We'll be resuming our deputation travels in the first week of January. We have some exciting personal news to share! God has blessed us with our third child, and we are thrilled that He's growing our family. Kayleigh and Ezra are especially excited to meet their new sibling in June of 2025. We kindly ask that you lift Mackenzie and the baby up in prayer during this time. We are also blessed to report that we've reached 75% of our support goal! We give God all the glory for the way He has faithfully provided for us.
Thank you once again for your partnership over this past year We are deeply grateful for each of you who have supported us with your prayers and finances. Your love and encouragement have meant so much to us. If it weren't for you, we could not do what God has called us to do. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
In Christ,
The Cook Family